
Steven singer
Steven singer

Emancipatory research methodologies: Fulfilling their promises? Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV Pennsylvania Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference, State College, PA (2017) Claiming your journeys of pain and failure. Eastern Sociological Society conference, Baltimore, MD. Culturally Deaf identities claimed in adulthood. Qualitative Research Method conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Singer, S (2018) Reflections on conducting research with students using their second language. New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Conference, New Brunswick, NJ. Pacific Disability Studies Symposium, Spokane, WA. It’s like growing a Deaf identity in a barren field. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Washington DC. International Conference on Communication and Culture, Barcelona, Spain. Negotiating Communication Options for Deaf-Disabled Children. Navigating Complex Communication Dynamics in Qualitative Research. The 2nd International Young Researchers Conference on Deafblindness. Roles and Advocacy of Parents of DeafPlus Children. Teamwork on the Future Design of Research. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. First-Year Faculty and Students Developing Institutional Roles and Identities. Trajectories of Disability Identity Development. Rhyskamp (Ed.) Spoon Knife II: Test chamber. Ford (Ed.) Keywords in Radical Education. McGunnigle (Ed.) Disability and the Academic Job Market. Transforming transformative disability experiential learning. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 17(1),1. Conference proceedings, Qualitative Methods Conference, Alberta, Canada. Conducting research with students using their second language: An ethical quandary. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. “It’s like growing an identity in a barren field:” Continuing the conversation about 21 st century Deaf identities. Determining language and inclusion for DeafPlus children. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education. Implications for conducting special education research drawn from the reflexive accounts of a Deaf-Plus professor and three student researchers. The Italian Journal of Disab ility Studies. The shifting meaning of disability in romantic relationships.


He is presently editing a special series for Critical Education titled “Ableism in the Academy: A Series about Disability Oppression and Resistance in Higher Education.” Steve enjoys mentoring students and conducts ongoing research involving student researchers. He serves on the national American Sign Language Honors Society board. Steve is a Family and Consumer Sciences Educator and Teacher of the Deaf. Global DeafBlind identity and the relationship between socioeconomic stratification and disability identity development.Ĭhildren’s book focusing on mental illness. Family and Consumer Sciences EducationĪSL 101 & ASL 101 Honors, American Sign Language level 1 ASL 102, American Sign Language level 2 ASL 103 & ASL 103 Honors, American Sign Language level 3 DHH 350, Communication In Classrooms DHH 423, Deaf Education Methods Across Educational Settings: Curriculum Methods and Assessment DFHH690 Deaf Education Internship FSP 161, Writing the Autoethnographic “I” FSP 161, The Last of Us: A Study of Human Nature and Threats to Humankind. Secondary Education of Deaf and Hard-of Hearing StudentsĢ010-B.S.Ed. Cultural Foundations of EducationĢ016-C.A.S. Coordinator of the Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing ProgramĢ018-Ph.D.

Steven singer